CouponsNCombos Support Center

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How do i setup an instant discount?

The CouponsNCombos app when installed searches for "combinations" of items, labels, and categories.  When it finds a specified combination, a discount is triggered.   For "buy 3 get 1 free" you would specify the combination as being the purchase of 4 items (4 specific items or any 4 items from a category or any 4 items with a specific label).  The 4 items would trigger a discount and the discount would be for 1 of the items to be 100% off (free).  If you wish to setup something like a "2 for $2.49" you would specify the trigger as 2 of a specific item (or category or label).  For the discount, specify "all combo items" and then for the type of discount, change it to "Change Price to $USD" and then set the amount to $2.49.  That way the system will automatically discount whatever amount is needed (it will calculate) to produce a price of 2.49 for 2 items.  Please email with your exact discount need if you need further assistance.